10 Tips To Make Your Holiday Travel Painless


By Anna Pretasky, Contributing Writer

Picture this: it is December 20th, and you just finished your last exam. All of your bags are packed and your holiday spirit is in full swing. There is only one thing standing between you and a month of relaxation: the airport.

The holiday season is by far the busiest travel time for most airports, but with the help of a few tips and tricks, you, too, can conquer the art of holiday travel.

  1. Always pack an extra outfit in your carry-on. If, by some unfortunate chance, your luggage gets lost, you don’t want to spend the rest of your day in your travel clothes. Having a backup outfit is always a good idea.

  2. Try to book one of the earliest flights of the day. Redeye flights pretty much completely suck, but they have one surprising perk: they are the least likely to be delayed or canceled, so you can always count on getting home on time.

  3. Bring an empty water bottle to fill up once you get through security. Airports are infamous for being overpriced so it’s always nice to save a little money where you can. Plus, you’re doing your work to help the environment out.

  4. Similarly, don’t forget to pack snacks! Just like overpriced beverages, airports upcharge for food, too. You don’t want to shell out tons of cash when you unexpectedly get hungry. Anticipating your needs for food and water can help you save a little extra that you can spend on something more fun when you get home.

  5. Long travel days can leave you feeling gross and uncomfortable, so I always pack extra products in my carry-on. Nothing feels better than being able to brush your teeth or moisturize after a long, dry flight.

  6. Leaving a cold climate, such as Madison, for a warmer one calls for a functionally versatile outfit. Dressing in layers ensures that you can peel back when things get uncomfortable, but you can still be warm and cozy when you’re leaving the Midwest.

  7. Always keep your cash in one place and your cards in another. If something happens and you lose your wallet or fall victim to a pickpocketer, you can at least count on not being stranded without any money.

  8. Rechargeable batteries are a total lifesaver. Make sure you bring all of your chargers and cords so you are never stranded without electronics. There’s nothing worse than the stress of communicating with your ride home from the airport with three percent of your battery left.

  9. I always triple check what gate my flight leaves at. Airports are notorious for moving flight gates and times around, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the giant flight boards plastered all over the airport walls.

  10. Lastly, if you’re staying in a hotel make sure you are able to change or cancel reservations. You don’t want to spend money on a hotel room if you’re not even there thanks to a delayed flight.

Follow these ten easy tips and tricks to help your holiday travels run a little bit smoother and make your airport experience more relaxed. Happy holidays!