Café Review: Johnson Public House


Written by Barbara Gonzalez, Contributing Writer

This past week I was fortunate enough to discover the introvert’s ultimate paradise on East Johnson Street: Johnson Public House. This café is located a convenient ten minute bus ride away from campus, close enough to be a quick get away, but far enough that you won’t run into anyone you know. It’s admittedly easy enough to miss if you don’t know what you’re looking for—looking at the outside makes you second guess whether or not you were transported back to the 1950’s with its simple, but classic baby blue lettering framing the front windows.


Upon entering, you’re immediately serenaded with the sound jazz music spilling into your ears. The décor and consequent ambiance make for a relaxed and quaint spot for some downtime by yourself or just catching up with a friend. As afore mentioned, this is a pretty low-key place, so you’ll only see two or three people scattered inside the shop, sipping their ice coffee from mason jars whilst typing away at their laptops or catching up on some reading. Johnson Public House even has free WiFi, making it a perfect study spot.


Now to get down to real reason why you’re coming here: the coffee. This café has a varied selection, ranging from tart and tangy to sugary and sweet. The endless array of blends, originating from everywhere from Ethiopia to Colombia, might seem slightly intimidating at first, but fortunately, the friendly and knowledgeable baristas are there to help you and find the perfect blend to fit your taste. As for those of you who’d rather pass on coffee, not to fear! This is a tea lover’s paradise, supplying everything from the classics, such as black, green, white, and herbal, to the exotic rooibos and oolong tea leaves stacking the shelves.


If you’re not sold on Johnson Public House already, you will be sure to fall head over heels for the delectable sandwiches that this place has to offer. They are ready to satisfy any craving you might have, savory or sweet, complex or simple. Taking classic sandwiches such as a PB&J and adding fresh strawberries and blueberries, JPH knows how to handle comfort food while still adding their own classy twist. If you have a particular sweet tooth, you should definitely check out their Chocolate Sandwich, complete with Nutella and strawberries on grilled country wheat bread.


So if you’re ever willing to make the short journey outside of campus, be sure to check out Johnson Public House for not only a great chill and study spot, but also to get your caffeine and foodie fix.

Moda Magazine