“Communication Equals New Perspectives”

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Written by Sydnie Albert, Lifestyle Staff Writer, and photographed by Annika Ide, Photography Director

Opinions, perspectives and experiences all change how we think. Whether we disagree on political issues or take different sides in an argument between loved ones, we can educate ourselves and gain the information we need to make well-informed decisions and be able to compromise with one another

Often we can be stubborn with our views or let our emotions cloud our abilities to be rational, and we can end up agreeing to disagree. But is that truly possible to do? By agreeing to disagree, we allow ourselves to come to terms with the fact that we are unable to change the other person’s mind about something (“What Does It Mean To Agree To Disagree?”).  Does that stop the “debate” or “spirited discussion” from happening again? No, it doesn’t because the conversation is bound to happen again. We hold the same beliefs and opinions as before and we are going to defend them.

However, by taking a minute to listen to each other’s arguments, we learn how to communicate with one another. We may not be able to change their opinions, but we see the parts of the story we are missing or have not thought of before. We can be respectful to others and their views by asking questions, like “can you explain…” or “why do you believe…” We become more level-headed and start discussions instead of arguments.

But we don’t have to have a side to take in a disagreement. We can end up being a mediator, someone unbiased who helps others resolve their conflict and come to a mutual agreement (“What Does It Mean To Agree To Disagree?”).

Being the mediator within your friend group or your family allows you to understand multiple sides of a disagreement. We can understand why each person is hurt or angry, help calmly diffuse the situation and help the people to understand the opposing rationales. It allows us to take a step back from ourselves and see the bigger picture, and to be open-minded to new perspectives regardless of your own personal views.

Understanding multiple perspectives allow us to better our critical thinking and creativity skills (Priester). We are able to think beyond what we know, go into the unknown and create the undiscovered. It makes us see beyond only black and white, to see a whole gray spectrum that makes us question our thinking, question our morals.

As some issues come to light and others become even more complex, it is vital to be well-informed and educated. We start to actively look for other views, to look deeper into problems and to not take something at face value. These issues are controversial for a reason, so by knowing as many sides as possible, we are able to have a more leveled-head during tense situations and to be adaptable and accepting of sudden and unexpected changes in our lives.

Social media is a place to see great diversity on a topic and understand why a person holds the opinions or beliefs they do. We get as a viewer their side of the story, even if we don’t hold those same views, or are informed on a side of a story that we are missing. YouTube, InstaStory on Instagram and Snapchat allow for people to express their side and allow for our voices to be heard.


  • “What Does It Mean To Agree To Disagree?” Wonderopolis.

  • Priester, Thomas. “Thinking Critically and Creatively.” Foundations of Academic Success Words of Wisdom. Open SUNY Textbooks.