Crystal Facial Rollers: Fact Vs. Fiction


What are they and do they really work?

Written by Kate Lawless, Lifestyle Editor

If you’ve been in stores like Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters lately, you may have already seen crystal facial rollers. They’re delicate, pastel-colored and when rolled on ones face, they promise to naturally boost collagen, reduce facial puffiness and wrinkles. Facial rollers also claim to promote lymphatic drainage by allowing excess fluid in your face to flow away from your facial muscles and stimulate oxygen flow.They can be used with either your morning or night skincare routine to help your products seep into your skin. Try keeping your facial roller in your refrigerator for an extra soothing effect. 

Crystal facial rollers come in jade, amethyst, rose quartz and more and are championed by everyone from the Kardashians to Youtubers alike. Each crystal is supposed to have special properties. For example, jade is supposed to improve your inner peace, to help balance your energy. Rose quartz is said to have anti-aging properties, increase your energy and attract others to you. Amethyst can give your clarity and opens your intuition. Depending on what you’re searching for in your personal life, a facial roller might give you a sense of spiritual change. 

While all this sounds quite aesthetic, facial rolling might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Many companies use dyed quartz instead of the actual stones they claim to be selling, thus lacking all the spiritual properties these crystals have been associated with since they were first used in ancient China. Make sure you are buying a real crystal if you want to experience those specific, spiritual healing properties. As for the actual spiritual results, that depends on the person. If you believe in the spiritual properties of certain materials, more power to you. It has been shown that believing in a higher power or energy that connects us all is beneficial to both physical and mental health. It can reduce stress, improve your satisfaction with your life and give you a mindset that is open to change. 

Keep in mind when purchasing a facial roller that, scientifically speaking, they are only as effective as any other facial massage. According to dermatologist Suzanne Friedler, facial rollers or massages create a luminous effect because they increase circulation in your facial tissue. You constantly have fluid moving through your body and a facial roller can help move those lymphs, or stubborn fluid, from where they get stuck in your facial tissue. The coldness of the facial roller also causes your blood vessels to contract, resulting in decreased inflammation. So instead of paying some hefty price for a facial roller from Goop or Poosh, instead go for a more budget-friendly option and just keep it in the fridge. You’ll get the same results.