Reconnecting With Childhood Friends


By Amanda Glass, Lifestyle Staff Writer

As we grow older, our social circle tends to shrink. There’s simply no need to have that group of 15 friends in our lives anymore, like we did in middle school. We share with a smaller group and drift apart from the people who once knew our biggest secrets and most embarrassing moments. Though you may not be as close with your best friend from 5th or 6th grade, that does not mean you should completely lose contact with them. Friends from your childhood are important ones, as those individuals played a large role in shaping and molding you into the person you are today.

In elementary school, birthday parties had no less than 30 kids. In middle school, the number dropped to 20; in high school, ten friends surrounded you, and in college, there are likely around five of your closest friends watching you blow out the candles. Having a large group of friends can be exhausting, which is why we tend to stick to a small group of companions by the time we get to adulthood. Regardless of wherever in the world your childhood friends might be, though, you will always share a special bond with them. Those after-school playdates, birthday parties, sleepovers and soccer games are memories that you can’t simply erase. You shared a large chunk of your life with these friends — a very influential, important part — and that is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted or forgotten.

Giving your childhood friends a text or a call will never do any harm. As you will find out, reaching out to an old companion ends up being a refreshing walk down memory lane. This can be a time to reflect on some of the happiest, most carefree moments of your life. The friendships you made in your childhood are guaranteed to last for the rest of your life, whether or not you still keep in touch with those individuals on a daily basis. The only difference between now and your friendship from ten years ago? You might have to meet at a coffee shop or a bar instead of your elementary school’s playground. But believe me, it is worth the trip!