Superset Scaries


How to overcome gym anxiety this fall

By Tessa Devine, Lifestyle Staff Writer

There’s nothing quite like that feeling of impending doom right before you step into the gym for the first time in a while. You’re met with the sound of clashing weights and think, “why did I even come here?”

Just like anything that’s new, going to the gym for the first time is definitely uncomfortable. But just as the old saying goes ... you can’t grow in your comfort zone. Whatever you’re fearful of—whether it’s failure, judgment or something in between—you’re not alone. According to the New York Post, a study on 2,000 Americans found that 50% of participants feel that exercising around other people is intimidating (Gervis, 2019).  

Even though hot girl summer is coming to a close, we should definitely continue that energy into autumn. Self-care should take priority over whatever anyone else might think of you. It’s a difficult mental block to overcome, so here are some tips that will hopefully make you feel a little less awkward at the gym.

Make a plan

Planning a workout ahead of time can alleviate a bit of anxiety. You can find workouts of all kinds on Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube, among other platforms. It can also be helpful to find an influencer that inspires you and does workouts that you like (check out a list of popular fitness influencers here). Also, consider trying group classes or even a personal trainer if your gym offers it. 

Recruit a workout buddy

You and a friend can cope with the awkwardness together; it’s something familiar in an unfamiliar space. Another pro to this is that you can hold each other accountable to make the gym a habit. A workout buddy can be a companion or a source of friendly competition, or a combination of the two! Either way, having someone there to push you and inspire you is sure to make the gym more effective. 

Make A Fire Playlist & Wear A Cute Outfit 

You absolutely cannot go wrong with songs that get you hype and an outfit you feel good in. In fact, it is scientifically proven that what you wear can subconsciously influence the way you act; this phenomenon is called enclothed cognition. Simply put: look your best, feel your best! A cute new workout set definitely isn’t required, but it might make working out a little more enjoyable. 

Remember that you are the main character. You deserve to take up space and you belong, even if you don’t feel like it at that moment. 

Be Gentle With Yourself

Start slow! Easing into exercise will be the best for your body and your mind. Also, try your hardest not to compare yourself to others. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to focus the experience on you. You’re there for you and no one else. Don’t forget those positive affirmations ... be proud of yourself for going!

Fall is the time where classes start back up and we settle into a routine. And as the temperature starts to fall, so can our motivation. I challenge you to make prioritizing self-care a part of your routine before school and work start to get busier. If you’re feeling inspired, the Nicholas Recreation Center is free for all UW-Madison students. Otherwise, just go outside for a walk or jog and get active. Remember that some gym anxiety is inevitable, normal even! Embrace the superset scaries, but don’t let it get in the way of you becoming the best version of yourself. Now go and get those gains.  


  • Gervis, Z. (2019, March 19). Americans aren’t lazy — we’re just scared of the gym. New York Post.

  • Galinsky, A. (2012, Feb. 21). “Enclothed Cognition.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press.