This Not That: Back to School Edition


Written by Jen Anderson, Lifestyle Editor

Welcome (back) to college. Though the summer might have been a nice break from homework and stress, it’s back and it’s real. When life becomes stressful, sometimes it’s hard to remember that eating healthy is necessary. Just as the V-8 commercials tease the general public with a stern knock on the head for choosing unhealthy diet options, your life should not revolve around squiggly noodles packaged in tight squares. *KNOCK* Make the right decisions despite the stress this school year. Your body (and V-8) will thank you.



This- Two Slices of Whole Wheat Toast with Jam and Side of Greek Yogurt

Calories: 318

Not That- Make Your Own Waffle with Fruit or Cream

Calories: 714

There’s nothing better than a great start to the day with a good breakfast. Unfortunately, as the school year gets busier, the motivation to eat a healthy breakfast decreases. Though it may seem tempting to grab a freshly-made waffle with fruit topping at the local cafeteria, it might not be the healthiest option. When it comes to breakfast, you need a variety of nutrients that will nourish your body and mind for those pesky 8:50 am classes. Whole wheat toast and jam is a better choice; it’s quick, easy, and gives your body the good grains it needs. As well, greek yogurt is packed full of calcium. Together, they’re not too filling for the early morning, but they’ll give you just enough energy to get you by until lunch.



This- Whole Wheat Cheese Quesadilla (Add veggies or Chicken)

Calories: 390

Not That- Single Serving of Easy Mac

Calories: 230

For lunches and dinners, meals should include higher caloric intake spaced between different nutrients. Only eating easy macaroni and cheese doesn’t supply your body with a variety of nutrients from the food pyramid. Making quick cheese quesadilla’s is a much better option, and it’s pretty much obvious that quesadilla cheese isn’t a powdery substance you stir in a cup of hot macaroni and water. If you add veggies and chicken to your quesadilla, your body will be able to reap the benefits of protein, potassium, and vitamins.



This- Homemade fruit Sherbet Puree

Calories: 75 per serving

Not That- Oreo Mixed Ice Cream Treat

Calories: 560 (small)

Desserts can be tempting. Sadly, once the option arises, it seems much more appealing to stuff your face with cake than to kindly say “No thanks, I’m good”. Many people don’t understand the power of fruit. Fruit is the perfect dessert alternative- sweet, succulent, and healthy- it is a true power dessert. Instead of heading to that local fast food chain down the street for a frozen ice cream treat with cookie crumbles, consider making your own dessert with the fresh fruit from last week’s farmers market. These can simply be made a frozen puree of ricotta cheese, berry gelatin, vanilla extract and fresh fruit. Dessert shouldn’t be a caloric challenge to your body. It should be an enjoyable healthy treat that gets you through the next few hours of homework.

Moda Magazine