Traveling Is Good For The Soul


By Amanda Glass, Lifestyle Staff Writer

A large part of what makes each of us unique is our individual experiences. With time, the memories that we make become a part of us; they are not just passing moments, but rather, ones that piece us together. Traveling is one way to cultivate these kinds of memories, as well as a way to experience the world which we often take for granted. Though traveling is difficult for many people due to its high expenses, time dedication and reliance on packing up and leaving, it is a lifestyle that gives back more than any other.

Experiencing the world is a gift that a very small portion of people get to enjoy. We are often caught up in our day-to-day bubble, all the while unaware that we create personal boundaries in our everyday lives. By simply taking a train for a few hours, hopping in a car with friends or purchasing a plane ticket on a whim, you can find yourself in a new town, city, state or even country. With these new locations comes new cultures, lifestyles, people, food, language and more, all of which can help you learn and grow as an individual.

People often see travel as “vacation” or “a way to escape.” While this is the case some of the time, travel can also be a valuable learning experience. By seeing the world, you are thrown into a new atmosphere and forced to acclimate on your own. This skill is one that will take you further than imaginable in life, as it is not one that can be taught in books or in the classroom. Being an individual who can adjust to any given situation, environment or culture means you are well-rounded and worldly. These traits are hard to obtain without experience.

Traveling is good for the soul in that it allows you to escape from the heavy weight that everyday life can put on your shoulders. Before shaking your head and saying you do not have enough time to travel, consider a cliché quote said by Saint Augustine. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”