Uses For Old Notebooks


Written and Photographed by Shelby Spiegel, Lifestyle Staff Writer

While I cannot speak for everyone, I speak for myself when I say that I have a weird obsession with buying cute notebooks. There is just something irresistible about a fresh, clean notebook with a pretty pattern on the front. Of course, when purchasing these kinds of notebooks, you have plenty of ideas of what to fill it with. If you are like me, however, after a couple of weeks of it sitting on your desk collecting dust, it ends up in a drawer somewhere — empty and a waste of money.

It is often hard to find uses for these old notebooks, but if used the right way, they can make your life easier and more relaxed. If you are stuck on what to fill your gorgeous journals with, try out the few options below.

Study Guides

I have found it extremely beneficial to rewrite my class notes by condensing them into a journal. In doing so, you create handwritten study guides. Not only does this force you to reread your notes, but it also causes you to think about the content, rewrite it in a new way and produce a comprehensive study guide. Although I did not start this right at the beginning of the semester, once I did, I discovered a significant increase in test scores and time management. You would be surprised how much this technique works!

Quote Journal

I am constantly finding quotes that inspire me, but I cannot seem to remember them when I need them the most. I have found that using a journal specifically for favorite quotes not only helps me relax, but I can also look back on it when I need a confidence boost or an inspirational thought. Writing these quotes can also serve as a daily break from responsibilities. Taking a few minutes out of your day to search the web for a few daily quotes that describe your mood can create a positive reflection.

Notebook of Lists

Do you ever have so many things to do that you cannot seem to remember them all? Using an old notebook to centralize all of your lists in one place will provide for a more organized life. Besides the daily to-do list, writing Netflix shows you aspire to watch, holiday gifts you need to buy or even new recipes to try will keep all your daily lists in one convenient place.

High/Low Journal

In today’s busy society, it is important to reflect daily on your mood and the world around you. With the cold weather fast approaching and the days getting darker, it is easy to fall into a state where you feel tired, moody and under the weather. By using a few minutes every day to think about the best and worst parts of the day, you will become more aware of yourself as an individual. Not to mention, this will make for an extremely interesting journal to look back on in the future!

Whether it be something as sentimental as a daily reflection journal or something simply fun like a quote journal, there is always a use for the old, dusty notebooks that you have forgotten about on your shelves. Writing and organizing your life can act as a great way to relieve stress, especially around this time of year! Challenge yourself to implement some of these or create your own ideas. Your old notebooks that have been empty for years will finally feel as if they have a purpose.