Happy Birthday MODA!


By Chloe Karaskiewicz, Editor-in-Chief

In 2011, MODA was just an idea. In September of that year, the fledgling magazine debuted online, and has grown from just 2 views to 73,000 since. This month, we are turning 2 and in honor of our anniversary, we would like to use this—our 500th post—to recognize and congratulate the people who made it all possible.

Mia Hanekamp and Jeff Cartwright co-founded MODA as UW’s first and only student-run style magazine. Beginning as Co-Editors-in-Chief, they created a base of writers and readers, putting MODA onto the map. This foundation only grew after the first, and now annual, UW Fashion Week in spring 2012.

Riding this surge of interest, they led the magazine to unprecedented and astonishing heights, aided by Daniel Jameson as Fashion Editor and Corinne Burgermeister as Lifestyle Editor. Their labor of love attracted other dedicated fashionistas and led to the publication of the first print issue in December 2012.

While we have enjoyed great success, what we are really enjoying is the fruits of their labors. Without their commitment, skill, dedication, and ingenuity, MODA could never have hoped to exist, never mind survive. Instead, we thrive under the attention of new editors, directors, contributors, and readers because of the four outstanding individuals who devoted their creative energy (and many, many, many hours) to giving Badgers something we were sorely missing.

Mia, Jeff, Daniel, Corinne: You have truly left our campus more stylish than you found it and we are proud to become the next generation to uphold this legacy. Thank you, congratulations, and best wishes for your future success!

Moda Magazine