Review: In a New Light


“For me photography is a way that I can express my emotions to the world in a way that other people can’t.”

By Erin O'Brien, Contributing


The In A New Light exhibit at the Overture Center for the Arts exhibited just that; express the emotions that the troubled teens of the Northwest Passage program captured through their photography. In A New Light featured the photography of Dane County teenagers that they captured along the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway and other national parks. Accompanying the photos were personal reflections written by the teenage photographers to describe their struggles and how they have been overcome or bettered through their camera’s lens.

Though the exhibit only took up a small area at the Overture, it left a very big impression on me. The photographs taken were beautiful and worth seeing, but I personally found myself more moved by the personal reflections written by the photographers. Everyone, including myself, has experienced lows in their life that match similar emotions to the teenagers involved with the exhibit. My personal experiences made me connect that much more to the exhibit and find tremendous beauty and strength in their photographs.

The actual photographs taken captured every aspect of nature from the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, Yellowstone National Park, Apostles Island National Lakeshore, and Badlands National Park. The photographs captured every aspect of nature including animals, leaves, sunsets, and landscapes. One participant in the exhibit stated in their reflections, “The way I see photography is almost as a therapeutic retreat. Taking a breathtaking picture is something that puts hope into my life.” The photographs taken embody this hope. Each teenager had such a beautiful and inspiring eye in capturing their photos.

If you have a free hour in your day between now and October 28th, head down to the Overture Center for the Arts to sneak a peek at this absolutely moving exhibit.

Moda Magazine