The Ultimate Gift Guide; Love Language Edition


Written by Mason Braasch, Staff Writer

When February rolls around, thinking of a Valentine’s day gift that is not wildly cheesy and overdone can be stressful. If you’re looking for something a little more sentimental than chocolate, utilizing your partner’s Love Language can help you find the perfect cupid-day gift. 

The Love Language system makes relationships easier to understand by determining how different people give and receive love. By understanding someone’s love language, you can better understand their perspective on the relationship, and even better, you can understand what they would consider the perfect gift. Below is a list of gifts based off of the five love languages: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Giving Gifts, Physical Touch and Acts of Kindness. Have your partner take the quiz here in order to determine their language, then, get shopping for the perfect gift. 

Quality Time

Those who have Quality Time as their love language love to spend uninterrupted and valuable time with the ones they love. This means they feel most loved while doing fun activities and sharing special moments. Gifts for quality timers should focus on providing fun experiences that will create memories. 

Adventure Challenge book-  The Adventure Challenge book is sure to create valuable memories, as it provides 50 unique and creative “dates” for you to do with your significant other. Not only will you get to go on fun and unique adventures, but you will also have a scrapbook of all your fun memories when you have finished them all, as there is room to document them through diary entries and polaroid photos. 

Paint by Numbers– Painting by numbers takes away the stress of painting, and allows you to spend quality time with the ones you love. Paired with a glass of wine and good conversation, these kits are sure to please your quality-timer. 

Words of Affirmation 

For the people that have Words of Affirmation as their love language, it’s all about–you guessed it- words. Words of Affirmation-ers love to hear that you love them, that you’re proud of them or any kind words you can say. Gifts that incorporate honest and genuine words are sure to be keepsakes to them forever. 

“Open When” Letters- These are a cheap and easy gift that will capture the heart of the receiver. All that you have to do is write and seal letters specified for a certain day or occasion such as graduation days, wedding days, or even specific moods. They are a special gift that will keep on giving for years to come. 

Love Box – The Love Box is a special way to make sure that your gift receiver feels loved, even when you’re not there to tell them. You can send messages and drawings straight from your phone. When the message is received, the heart on the love box will spin to let them know. Not only does this gift bring lasting excitement to the recipient, but the messages they receive on the box will make them feel more loved than ever.

Giving and Receiving Gifts

Giving gifts to those with Giving and Receiving Gifts as their love language can be one of the most challenging tasks. While they love to receive small random gifts, they most likely have thought of the most perfect and personal gifts for everyone in their life. When buying gifts for those with this language remember that the more personal, the better. 

Personalized Jewelry- Small gifts such as jewelry with special words or names are the perfect gift for those with Gifts as their love language. They can serve as a reminder of a special memory, and show your recipient that you put lots of thought and effort into their gift. 

Personalized Calendar- A personalized calendar, complete with special photos from every month are sure to please your Gift-Giver. This gift lasts all year, and even better, the recipient will be able look back on all of the special memories that you curated. 

Physical Touch 

If Physical Touch is your love language, you feel most loved when you are able to touch the ones you love, such as a hand hold, a hug, or even a simple touch on the shoulder. Those with this love language also love the feeling of being comfortable, so anything soft or huggable will be a suitable gift for them. 

Weighted blanket– Weighted blankets make the perfect gift for someone with Physical Touch as their love language, because the blanket feels like a hug. Wrapped under the blanket, your recipient will feel comfortable and loved until you can give them a hug again! 

Distance bracelets– For those in a long-distance relationship, distance bracelets are a great way to let physical touch lovers know that you’re thinking of them. Whenever you are missing or thinking of them simply touch your bracelet, and a vibration will be sent to theirs. It’s a great way to keep your significant other feeling close to you. 

Acts of Kindness-

Those with Acts of Kindness as their love language may be the hardest to buy for, as they feel love through actions, rather than words or tangible gifts. However, you can give them meaningful gifts that will help them over a period of time, and in return make them feel loved. 

Coupon Book- This is a classic gift that you most likely made for your mom in elementary school, but it is the perfect gift for those who love Acts of Kindness. Coupons for actions such as doing the dishes or laundry, taking the dog on a walk, or even for a back or foot massage are sure to bring relief to your recipient’s life and a smile to their face. 

Breakfast in Bed- While it seems like a simple act, receiving a surprise- homemade breakfast in bed, will bring someone with acts of kindness as their love language joy, peace, and the feeling of being loved.

Giving gifts doesn’t have to be a stressful ordeal. By understanding the ways that  people feel loved, you can give gifts that are meaningful, and are sure to spread love this Valentine’s day.