Gaslighter: Album Review

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Why “Gaslighter” is the Ultimate Break-Up Album

Written by Mason Braasch, Staff Writer

I’m going to state the obvious here; break-ups suck. They are a never-ending cycle of intangible emotions and confusing reflection. In one moment you are curled up in a ball, crying your eyes out, while the next you are dancing around your room feeling free. The Chick’s (formerly known as The Dixie Chicks) 2020 album “Gaslighter” has a song for every emotion on the break-up spectrum. 

When you’re going through a break-up, there is no one you relate to more than someone who is going through the same thing; which is why “Gaslighter” is the perfect album to get you through it. Whether you’re mourning your ex, feeling petty towards them, or finally moving on, the songs on The Chick’s new album will have you singing along. 

Here’s a guide to this empowering and encouraging break-up album: 

Songs for When You’re Angry 


No matter how things ended with you and your ex, feelings of anger will arise. When that moment comes, lock your door, play “Gaslighter” as loud as you can, and dance around your room screaming the lyrics. I promise it’ll make you feel better. The song is all about calling someone out when they have repeatedly wronged you. The Chicks sing about being mad that an ex is playing the victim after cheating, and the passion comes through the lyrics as well as the beat. The catchy song will have you dancing around, screaming at the top of your lungs, and feeling unstoppable. 

Sleep At Night- 

This song is especially helpful when you just want to be angry about a break-up. “Sleep at Night” is about acknowledging how you were wronged in the relationship and realizing that you are worth so much more than the way that you were being treated. 

Songs for When You’re Sad

Everybody Loves You-

One of the hardest things for me after my breakup was learning how to view my ex-boyfriend as someone other than who I loved. “Everybody Loves You” emcompasses that feeling by describing the conflicting feeling of wanting to love, hate, and forget a person all at once.

Julianna Calm Down- 

Although my name isn’t Juliana, Harper, or Katie, I feel like The Chicks are speaking directly to me when I listen to this song. It’s a reminder that almost all of us will experience the exact same feelings of going through a breakup and everyone will get through it. In the moments when the emotions of a breakup are overwhelming, this song is a good reminder that the pain is normal, and more importantly–that it will pass. 

Hope It’s Something Good- 

This song perfectly sums up what the first day after a breakup feels like. In it, they sing about time wasted, and how all the fights and work to make a relationship worth it “all add up to nothing.” After breaking up with my boyfriend of two years, these words really resonated with me. If you’re looking for a song to cry to in the early stages of a break-up, this is it. 

Songs for When You’re Moving On 

Texas Man- 

Need a little spice in your post-break up funk? This is the song for you. Simply put, this song is about finding and connecting with someone new; Whether it’s a tinder hook-up or your next relationship is up to you. This song will have you feeling confident, sexy and ready to explore a new chapter after your ex. 

For Her-

Can you say self love? This song is all about learning to love yourself and grow into a better person after a break-up. It is a great reminder that although a relationship has ended, there is still a relationship with yourself that needs love and growth.. 

March March- 

Who runs the world? The Chicks. While this song isn’t actually about a breakup (It was inspired by the March for Our Lives protest), this song will give you a confidence boost that is often hard to achieve during the season of a breakup. 

My Best Friend’s Weddings- 

This song tackles the tough challenge of learning to be alone after a breakup. It describes the feeling of embracing your own company, and using this alone time to grow yourself. Along with this lesson, this song serves as a reminder that we grow from pain. It encompasses the age-old saying that “when one door closes another opens.” 

Tights on my Boat- 

Any song that starts with the words “I hope you die peacefully in your sleep; just kidding, I hope it hurts like you hurt me,” is bound to be a petty break-up song, but this song is so much more than that. “Tights On My Boat” screams “I’m over you.” It’s about reflection of the relationship and acknowledging the bad parts of it. This is one of my favorite songs on the album. It helps me to remember to not dwell on the memories I miss and reflect on why the break-up was necessary instead.

Break-ups suck. They are a rollercoaster of ups and downs. This album has helped me navigate the twists and turns of the end of my relationship, and given me so much hope, strength, and confidence. Whether you listen for the poetic lyrics, soothing country chords, or the invigorating rhythms, “Gaslighter” is the perfect album for a broken heart.